About us

     Pine River Woodcraft is a family owned and operated business in the beautiful hidden valleys area of southwest Wisconsin.  Surrounded by the rolling hills, crop filled valleys and wooded  ridgetops of Richland County is our store, workshop and home.  Dennis and Kathy Fry run Pine River Woodcraft and Katy-Dids Calligraphy respectively.  Our two children, Jason and Jenny, help in the shop and store as well as producing some of their own gifts and crafts.

      Started in 1981, out of our desire to work at home as a family while producing products of quality and value with our lives, Pine River Woodcraft has grown steadily over the years.
Working with individuals and companies large and small we have embraced true custom woodworking, designing each piece for the customers unique needs and setting.

      Below are photos of us and our home and shop in typical Wisconsin weather.  Please contact us for your woodworking needs or come and visit, its worth the drive in the country.


    Dennis in the shop


     Kathy amongst the apple blossoms



Many have ask "What does the SR in your address mean?"  This is it -  Steamboat Rock


To hear samples of Kathy's music and order a CD go to www.kathyfry.us

Pine River Woodcraft and Katy-Dids Calligraphy
21952 County Highway SR, Richland Center, WI 53581
608-475-0531   or   email: dfry_450@hotmail.com